Audioweg 1 | 1322 AT Almere | Tel.:+31 (0)36-5367755
Bastion Hotel Almere is a 3-star hotel with 132 comfortable rooms. An overnight stay in Bastion Hotel Almere can easily be combined with a visit to Almere or Amsterdam. Within 20 minutes by car, you’ll find yourself in the middle of the capital. During your stay you can park your car for free at the hotel. The hotel has free fitness facilities for our sporty guests.
- Conveniently located hotel in Almere
- Free WiFi throughout the entire hotel
- Complimentary parking
- Free fitness facilities
- Near Amsterdam
10 minutes by bike to the venue
Public transport to the Topsportcentrum:
- From Bastion Hotel Almere: walk to Almere Stad, Gooisekant West
- Take bus 322 to Almere Poort
- Get out at busstop Topsporthal